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Opportunities for more-able young musicians

How the Derbyshire Music Education Hub supports talented young musicians to develop their skills further.

A pupil who is talented in music needs opportunities to develop and extend their skills through performing with other talented youngsters, both regionally and, where appropriately, nationally. Derbyshire Music Education Hub supports gifted and talented pupils in the city and county through:

  • Providing instrumental lessons on a range of band and orchestral instruments through to diploma level.
  • Providing subsidies for those who progress beyond Grade 5, in order that pupils can have a longer individual instrumental lesson
  • Supporting a range of ensemble activities at Music Centres serving various geographical areas across the Derby and Derbyshire.
  • Organising county-level ensembles to cater for experienced players in Derby & Derbyshire − the Derby & Derbyshire Schools' Orchestra for instrumentalists of a grade 4+ standard and the City & County Youth Wind Band and City & County Youth Orchestra for instrumentalists of a grade 7+ standard.
  • Providing opportunities to learn minority instruments, often with specialist tutors and at a subsidised fee.
  • Organising summer schools for gifted and talented young musicians.
  • Providing information via our website about national courses, competitions and extra musical opportunities.

See more about what is available for more-able young musicians

All Derby and Derbyshire schools have access to Music Partnership instrumental and vocal teaching and instrument loan services.
Regular musical activities in Derby and Derbyshire for all young musicians.
Four county-level large ensembles for higher achieving young instrumentalists in Derby and Derbyshire
Local, national and international competitions, courses and other opportunities available to young musicians in Derbyshire.