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Infant Music Parties

A one-off project for Y2 pupils involving two or three local schools, delivered by a singing specialist.

Infant Music PartiesInfant Music Parties take place between 9.30am and 11.30am at a host school and include the learning new songs, playing musical games and listening to live music.

A quote goes in here that is sufficiently long enough to wrap on to two lines or the quote mark looks funny
School name

A typical project includes:

  • Songbook
    We usually select one of the My World Series songbooks published by Out of the Ark and prefer each school to buy this to help prepare the songs at approximately £20. However, song choice can be decided in a conversation between the school and the singing leader.
  • Fun warm ups
    Activities that can be used at any point in the day to focus attention, re-energise and improve listening and concentration skills.
  • Musicianship skills
    Development happens through a range of singing games and rhymes, concentrating on the steady pulse, pitch, tempo, dynamics and the rhythm of the words.
  • Playtime
    Play-time is an important part of the morning, (25-30 minutes) when the host school provides a drink and a snack for each child (fruit or biscuit) and the children have the opportunity to mix, play and make new friends with the children from the other schools.

How much does an Infant Music Party cost?

The total cost of a party is £175 split across the participating schools, but does not include any travel arrangements needed for the visiting schools.

Several school clusters book this on an annual basis where the host school rotates each year, paying the total fee and providing the play time treats, leaving the visiting schools to pay their transport.

Book for your school

Schools are encouraged to contact us if they wish to book a programme using the button link below

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