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Whole School Singing

An exciting way for schools to enjoy whole-school singing with 10 30-minute sessions, delivered by a singing specialist

Whole School SingingWhole School Singing is a way for schools to reinvigorate their whole-school singing and boost confidence and positivity by staff and pupils alike.

A typical project includes:

  • Fun warm ups
    Activities that can be used at any point in the day to focus attention, re-energise and improve listening and concentration skills.
  • Flexible Repertoire
    Song choices can support topic learning and school collective worship.
  • Musicianship Skills
    Development happens through a range of singing games and rhymes, concentrating on the steady pulse, pitch, tempo, dynamics and the rhythm of the words.
  • Singing Skills
    Vocal skills are developed through simple pitch-matching activities, echo songs in unison to rounds and partner songs, where appropriate.
  • On-going CPD
    School staff gain confidence in singing by observing the singing specialist. All song resources are provided.

How much does Whole School Singing cost?

The cost is £300 for 10 30-minute sessions.

Large schools are encouraged to book a programme for each Key Stage or focus on one Key Stage at a time.

Book for your school

Schools are encouraged to contact us if they wish to book a programme using the button link below

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